Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

Photo of Hillary Clinton Wearing an Eyeglass With No Make-up

The state visit of Secretary Hillary in Bangladesh earned a lot of criticisms from the local media of Dhaka as well in international community who are currently following her every trips. Along with Sheikh Hasina, the Prime Minister of the above mentioned country, their photos captured the attention of everyone. She is wearing an eyeglass, with hair down, and showing her truly natural complexion.

Photo of Hillary Clinton Wearing an Eyeglass

She made a series of headlines since she start her tour in Asia. She probably do this for a change or to get the attention of the other leaders of the world. Her photo shows a humble way of life and her new appearance shows her humble but successful intentions. And she is not afraid to bare her face without a special enhancement from a costly make-up.

The above photo of the secretary is now over the line and everyone is invited to keep up with her new style as she continue her trips. You can visit the official website of the U.S. government to counter-check her appointments and to catch her look from photo galleries taken from her visit.

You can also catch her new photos and videos in YouTube as well in other government multimedia portals and television soon.
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Stacy Robinson Passed Away Because of Cancer

Stacy is one of New York Giants' legendary wide receiver and his outstanding record in NFL shows a great thing for his fans to remember his games. He played a total of six-seasons on his former team and drafted way back in 1985. And he died from the complications of his long-time battle with cancer at the age of 50. According to those folks who knows too much about him, the respect of his teammates remains until the day of his death as well of those folks who loved him in the industry.

Stacy Robinson Photo

He was born in St. Paul, Minnesota and diagnosed with cancer three-years ago. He entered a hospice last May 3, 2012 and continue his battle but his deteriorating body condition ends his fight. And before we can forget, this man was known of his amazing speed as the receiver of N.Y. Giants, a 5-footer man who also won the prestigious Super Bowl medals.

Furthermore, Stacey captured the heart of the national viewers during his time in NFL. He is one of the biggest earner in American football and other teams keep up their eyes on him as he continue to reach the topmost level of the said sport. And his skills and ability is now written in the book of the game historians. He also inspired the young people who would like to follow his footsteps.

This guy is one of the finest player way back in early 80's making a total of thirteen touchdowns until the end of his career. While outside of any team, he continue his support in the famous sport in United States. The Dakota State Alumni Association was his last destination and ended as one of their Board of Directors. Memorial service for Stacey will be announce soon, so keep up with other related updates straight from NFL and those folks around him.
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Senin, 07 Mei 2012

Lindsay Lohan is Dating Woody Allen in New York?

Nigel Lythgoe, the official producer of American Idol recently tweeted about Lindsay and Woody as he spotted the two in a fancy restaurant somewhere in New York City. The comedian and her wife Soon-Yi along with the troubled star has been photographed way back in February of this year showing no guilt both on their faces. However, people are getting more curious about a possible relationship between a 25-yearl-old and mid-70's guy. And nobody can confirm this issue and everything remains in the bottom line of their story.

Celebrity gossip sites started to talk about them few months ago and we are keeping up with that odd stuff as the star continue to her lavish lifestyle. As as we can remember, last year, the court make an order to revoke her probation paying an about $100-thousand bail to buy her temporary freedom from a DUI case. Prior to this month, she end up fighting with some local party goers along with her friends.

Furthermore, Lindsay and Woody is probably working in a new project. The woman is also start to revive her career and she is now headed to play the role of Elizabeth Taylor in Lifetime film and also in Fox's musical TV series, Glee as a guest star. Sad to say, that episode has been cut due to her late appearance in the set during the filming.

The friendship offered by Lindsay to Woody is a questionable way of having a great time with the actor. Her past troubles in authority can remind us that she is not aware of what she is doing. Hopefully, this is the start of her new beautiful story aside from being a former child star in movies as well in TV projects.
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Violet D'Mello Cheetahs Attack in Kragga Kamma Game Park

Violet is not aware of what will going to happen during their way in Kragga Kamma Game Part somewhere in South Africa as she celebrates her 60th birthday. According to report, she was traumatized by her experience in the hands of a two young male cheetahs who are namely Monty and Mark. Her husband manage to took a picture while she continue her brawl and playing dead as the beasts bits and drag her down. At first, the cats grabbed the legs of an 8-year-old girl who happened at the same trip and as she tried to help, the attack turned on her unexpectedly.

Her husband Archibald continue to take a several photos to document the tragic incident without realizing that her wife is already facing a possible death. Violet got a severe cut on her face from the sharp claws of the beasts which is also closer to her one eye. The couple recently gave their angry statements in a series of interviews that catches the attention of other visitors. And the facility has been closed for awhile as ongoing investigation continue.

Furthermore, related to this, Charla Nash lost her face from a tragic chimpanzee attack way back in 2009. She survived that horrific incident that leaved a big mark in her entire life. She lost her eyes and need to breath through her neck while recovering from the painful claws of the animal.

The story of Violet is quite different because she attempted to extend her help and save the girl but in just a matter of few minutes, everything change like an accident she doesn't expect as she and her family celebrates her day. Some of those pictures taken from South African park is now available in other news site as well in Scotland local newspaper and you can try to look around for more.

Violet D'Mello Wounded Photo

She made a heroic act but sad to say, things goes tough when everything immediately turns on her. The body wounds can heal but not from her mind.
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Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

Eli Manning is Debuted in Saturday Night Live!

The quarterback of New York Giants is debuted in NBC's Saturday Night Live to do a monologue and changing his looks to a funny one. The man of Super Bowl is changing his outfit for awhile and probably, for fun! His appearances in SNL follows the historical winning battle of his team over the New England Patriots and might be the best night ever to celebrate in front of the national viewers.

Eli Manning in Saturday Night Live

And guess what, he suggested to visit the Olive Garden somewhere in New Jersey as questions from the audience started hit him on stage. He also discussed some of his hobbies and admitted his admiration to a musical stuff. Fans and followers of this guy can probably remember his strong outfit while in the field but that evening episode of the show leaved them a few other matter to consider, right?

His performance during the introductory part of the show remind us of another talent waiting to be discover with Eli. Furthermore, his appearances as the leader of Little Brothers (fictional organization), he teaches the young guys on how to take a rant with the big ones. Turning his way protesting to Occupy Wall Street agenda along with his small buddies.

In the later part, Rihanna revisited the show to perform an Egyptian-themed music video and SNL also paid their tribute to the late Adam Yauch of the Beastie Boys. Recaps and reviews of the latest episode of the hilarious sitcom is just few taps away from here. You can visit the official website of NBC for other important details after of this break.
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Courtney Wagner Was Arrested Due to Felony Drug Related Case

The daughter of Robert Wagner and Natalie Wood has been arrested recently due to a felony drug possession at her house in Malibu. According to report, Courtney paid a bail of $10-thousand for her temporary freedom after the incident. But before that, the authority responded the call coming from their neighborhood when gunfire and screams started to break out the silence of the community.

Courtney Wagner Photo

She was arrested for having a possession of illegal drugs when that gunfire has been pointed by the other residence at her home. He was taken to the custody of authority along with unidentified man who is also responsible from a series of shots. And she is probably the woman reported by her neighbor screaming because of a domestic violence.

Further investigation is ongoing but she need to face a trial just to keep her innocence from the other allegations. Courtney is now a 38-year-old mother and a former jewelry designer of the fine line of products but started to decline way back in 2006. She has been linked to Stephen  Dorff and Max LeRoy in the mid-90's living in a slightly lavish life because probably of her fortune of her parents.

Her mother Natalie died while she is in grade school and both of her parents are known of being a famous celebrities during their time in Hollywood.
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Father Kevin Lee Admitted His Relationship with a Filipina

Father Kevin is also a typical man and we cannot compare him to anyone in Heaven, right? He is a man of God but his weakness can put him to a serious temptation. Despite of his vow, he recently admitted his relationship with Josephina, a Filipina woman he met way back in the Philippines. For 20-years, he continue to preach the Word of God despite of suspicions coming from the people around him.

According to report, he is a Catholic Priest in Glenmore Park in Sydney, Australia for almost two decades already. He noted that other people might think different because of his status and he admitted that he is living a double life. And he is sacrificing his vow to stand over his relationship and marry the woman he used to love. Celibacy is common to Roman Catholic religion but we cannot compare the situation of Father Kevin who choose to live on his profession and a married life.

Father Kevin Lee Presiding a Mass

He would like to serve the Lord with who he is and we are proud of him because he is not afraid to get out of his closet to tell the world about his life far from what his follower's know. Bishop Anthony Fisher however denies some of the priest allegations during his recent interview and he is appointing him to become the administrator Padre Pio church. It is because he has been excommunicated by the covenant as a parish church and ended to become a lay missionary of his community.
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Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

John Edward and Rielle Hunter Concealed Relationship

Bryan Huffman recently appeared in U.S. District court in Greensboro to testify in the trial of John Edward in regards of his illegal campaign fund coming from the wealthy people of the country. The man stands in the side of Rachel Mellon or "Bunny," a banking tycoon who is now in her centennial years and a well known supporter of the former presidential candidate. According to him, he worked as a middleman during that time to concealed the relationship of John with Rielle Hunter, his campaign videographer.

John Edward and Rielle Hunter Photo

Furthermore, Bunny doesn't mind the relationship of John and she continue to help the man on his campaign despite of some issue that breaks the silence of other people around them. She also denies the other allegations and paying her attention to a possible success of the campaign. Bryan also noted that the checks was released as a payment for furniture but the amount is actually intended for another purpose.

Bunny labeled the checks for furniture and she also hide this from her lawyer for a reason. Her real estate manager also stand to testify last Friday, May 4, 2012 to clarify the issue.

However, that $750-thousand worth of checks is already big enough to concealed the issue between John and Rielle? And who are those folks behind the hidden movements during the campaign of the former candidate? That's the other odd story we probably need to follow in the ongoing trial.
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Linda Evangelista is Suing Her Ex-Boyfriend for Child Support

This issue is actually common to other celebrities of suing the man and the father of their kids for a possible support. But asking of about $46-thousand per month is probably far from what we think, right? And this story is in ongoing trial of Linda appeals in Manhattan Family Court. It is probably hard to raise a kid but the costs is actually high compare to a regular alimony because according to her, she is currently paying an about $50-thousand for the entire expenses. That includes the armed bodyguards of her son and costly apartment.

Linda is suing Francois-Henri Pinault, her former business tycoon boyfriend who is now married to Salma Hayek. The two face each other last Friday, May 4, 2012 in Manhattan court to clarify her appeals. The supermodel stir a controversy that can remind us of our parenting plans. Raising a kid of more than $10-thousand a day is not a practical way of living for an average American family according to Modern Parenthood.

Her average income as a model reached an about 1.8-million last year but recently ended in L'Oreal. She probably need a new projects just to support the needs of her kid and her billionaire ex-lover is the answer for her current necessities in life.

This might be fair but not for those practical people who knows too much from their experiences as a full-grown parents. Linda is now facing a lot of criticisms since the issue started to round in different celebrity gossip sites. Her case against her ex-boyfriend also earned the attention of the local and international media.
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Kate Upton Dancing in a Cat Daddy Tune Video

Asking of a weird story about how Kate dance in the tune of Cat Daddy from Rej3ctz? That's the odd thing that you need to forget because she probably need to do that in front of a camera or else. Terry Richardson, a fashion photographer stunned us when he presented the woman wearing an Earth warming dress showing her moves like nobody is watching. That video is currently available in YouTube and earned a lot of comments from the online viewers.

Kate Upton Dancing a Cat Daddy Tune

We cannot put our judgement far from the common clips in video streaming site but knowing Kate dancing in another nasty tune, that's a different story to tell, right? According to other report, that video has been banned due to some possible violations and has been restored few days ago when maker made a series of appeal. And there is no other malicious thing coupled on that clip but people are just probably saying their bad comments about of what they've seen which cause the moderator to remove it from their community.

Here's a video of Kate dancing in Cat Daddy tune showing no other stuff but her wonderful look. Have a great time before we lost this clip again.

Comments has been disabled in the source and probably to avoid the embarrassing words from anybody in YouTube. She captured the attention of the viewers earning an about 3-million hits in few days since the first appearance of her video.
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Denise Richards is Joining FX's Anger Management

Denise is coming to FX's Anger Management to join her former husband Charlie Sheen's sitcom. According to her, the man approach her few weeks ago for a special episode that will stir a romantic reunion as she play the role of his past flame. As we can remember, the two broke out way back in 2006 due to a private issue and turmoil in their relationship. But now, they are about to see each other again but they need to set aside everything in front of the camera.

Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen Photo

The truth is, Denise will play the love interest of her ex-husband on TV and probably, the two is up for criticisms coming from enthusiasts as well from their fans and followers. This might be a good situation for them to replenish their old relationship and for their daughters who are also excited to catch their parents working together in a television series, right?

Furthermore, you can watch that episode of Anger Management by June 28, 2012 and sneak peeks are now available in YouTube for preview. And before we can forget, the two are now getting more closer next to what happened to Charlie when his wife rush him to the hospital in 2010. They took their kids to a vacation getaway last year, a memorable thing they need to treasure next to their ups and downs in life.

Charlie noted that Denise becomes a good mother to their children despite of their relationship from his recent interview.
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Cinco De Mayo Best Margarita Recipes and Easy Steps to Prepare

This Saturday, May 5, 2012, get the best recipe that worth for your Cinco De Mayo celebration. Be the first to experience the coolest and authentic flavors from prestigious cooking sites. And before of anything else, we would like to share the following steps on how to prepare a good margarita for your fiesta. That includes the right way in preparing the tasty cocktail.

Cinco De Mayo Best Margarita Recipe

Let's start with the right ingredients. You need a kosher salt, two-lime slices or wedges, one-fourth cup of tequila blanco, two-tablespoons of agave syrup and fresh lime juice. For preparation, you need to pour a kosher salt in a small dish and rub one lime slice on the top of an Old Fashioned glass rim. It is common for Margarita on the rocks or you can make use of coupe glass but you need to dip the rims of your fashionable container to a pinch of salt.

Next, you need to combine the agave syrup, lime juice, and tequila using a cocktail shaker with ice. And you need to strain it in your prepared glass and garnish the other lime. This few steps can help you but we suggest the other way of preparing your tequila not to ruin your celebration. There are other important and right ingredients that can guide you to a much better taste.

Learn how to squeeze your lime in a proper way to maintain the freshness of the fruit. You can either use a clean gadget like squeeze bottle and other. A nectar can sweeten your Margarita and the right amount can now change your flavor giving an after taste as you drink.

Hope this few steps of ours can guide you in a simple way of preparing your Cinco De Mayo recipe and we are looking forward to a wonderful party ahead of you.
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Colombian Dania Suarez Appeared in Television for Interview

Next to what happened in a Secret Service member of President Obama, the Colombian Dania Suarez appeared this Friday, May 4, 2012 for a local television interview. According to report, she escorted Arthur Huntington while in the middle of his service from a disco bar to his hotel room. During that night, the two found each other like a regular customers way back in Cartagena which cause her to feel uncomfortable as the issue between them started to spark in the White House.

Colombian Dania Suarez Photo

She noted that Arthur show no respect at all and really an intoxicating person. Furthermore, the man offered her a $30.00 for her service but lead to a more disastrous thing when police as well hotel manager drew their attention for confrontation. However, he immediately resign as they returned to United States but the case remains in the custody of the local authority in Colombia.

However, the woman flee from her country for few days after the happenings and according to her, everything is just for her own safety. Arthur is not the only man who joined Dania during that evening and she also refused to answer some of those question to avoid a possible unnecessary and provocative additional issue about of what happened.

Hotel hidden cameras cannot deny the intoxicating behavior of Arthur and somehow, he is currently hiding from the media to protect his privacy. There is no video tape or clips started to round on the line but people who witnessed his rude behavior in Colombia can probably remember his face.
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Adam Yauch of Beastie Boys Passed Away

A member of Beastie Boys passed away last Friday, May 4, 2012 at the age of 47. He is Adam Yauch or also known as MCA, a co-founder of the rap group way back in late 70's. Along with Mike D as well Ad Rock, the three becomes a pioneering artists in the music industry inspiring thousands and even millions of fans around the world. The band recently received the prestigious Rock and Roll Hall of Fame from Grammys but failed to appear on stage for concert since 2009.

Adam Yauch of Beastie Boys

MCA started his battle with cancer for nearly three years and due to any possible complication, he need to stop appearing with his band. He undergone a series of radiation therapy and surgeries just to prolong his life. He's been with Dalai Lama in Tibet and become an active member of a well known activist group raising the awareness for the freedom of the Tibetan society.

The latest music video of the band was released last year entitled, "Make Some Noise" which includes some of the well known stars like Amy Poehler, Orlando Bloom, Jack Black, and Will Ferell. They appeared like a naughty guys in the city street doing some nasty stuff in front of the public.

Adam Yauch Photo

And to confirm the death of the rock star, here's a statement coming from his publicist:
"It is with great sadness that we confirm that musician, rapper, activist and director Adam Yauch passed away in his homeland New York City this morning after a long battle with cancer."
Furthermore, schedule for memorial service of Adam is not yet available but you can join us as we continue to follow the other related report coming from those people who loved him and his former famous band.
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Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

Benjamin Lerman Coady Found an Error in Byzantine Gallery Map

The 7th grader Benjamin came just like an ordinary visitor in Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City to witness the Byzantine Gallery and other exhibits. However, this little guy show a brave attempt to inform the front desk about the error he found in a certain map. It is because he is also knowledgeable of the entire thing he learned from grade school.

Benjamin Lerman Coady

According to him, the map showing the Byzantine Empire is not accurate and pointing Spain as well Africa as the missing piece. In addition to this report, he reach out just to inform the people working behind the exhibit but for the first place, he is just a kid, a 13-year-old boy and his voice is not loud enough to be heard by anyone around during that time.

Furthermore, the senior and vice president for external affairs of museum send an email to Benjamin telling him that they are now working to correct the error he found few months ago. And they started a detailed review just to figure out the right map from the classical Justinian empire. He was invited to see Helen Evans, the curator of the art exhibit to know more about him.

Benjamin is now a celebrity kid because of his contribution in The MET, the most prestigious museum in the country and in restoration of the medieval work of art. This young historian can probably make a few important stuff in the future aside from discovering that mistake because of his curiosity.
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Senin, 30 April 2012

Lisa Lampanelli vs Dayana Mendoza in The Celebrity Apprentice

This season of The Celebrity Apprentice is getting more exciting than what we thought when Lisa and Dayana crosses their end lines. According to report, a biggest explosion between the two star stir a new controversy behind the camera and base in what we heard from a celebrity enthusiast site, they probably need to reconcile before the show finale. They made a different mistakes and telling everyone of their side is not the right step for both of them, right?

Lisa Lampanelli vs Dayana Mendoza Photo

You can see these stars yelling at each other if you watch the latest episode of the show last Sunday, April 29, 2012. Both of them argued of a nonsense stuff but in addition to this report, they are driven by their anger leading to a much tougher off-the-cam fight. The other contestants are keeping their silence just like of nobody knows of what is going on. But their friends outside of the game started to pull-down the hairs of their enemies.

Their fans and followers are now talking about them in Twitter and Facebook's unofficial fan page of the show. However, that is not a fair fight when somebody will just connect the dots without knowing the root of their misunderstanding. One of them put down the reputation of Dayana and somehow, other websites are already making fun of their battle because of that.

And as we can remember, Lisa tells everyone that they are changing the name of their name to Team Chernobyl because of their unknown explosion. We heard the name of Clay Aiken as her fellow contestant who is according to her, started the entire issue to gain the attention of Donald Trump, Jr. They are asking the man to talk about it but behind the back of Dayana.

Lisa Lampanelli and Dayana Mendoza in The Celebrity Apprentice

Whatever it is, we know that the former Miss Universe Dayana plays her right turns and Lisa is just keeping up with her side without knowing of her way to the top.
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Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard Newly Born Daughter

Maggie Gyllenhaal along with her husband Peter Sarsgaard are now celebrating their new gift of life, Gloria Ray. That's the name of their newly born daughter who came out to see the world last April 19, 2012. She is now the second child of the two Hollywood personalities who decided to tie a knot way back in 2009. Both of them are pretty similar from the top grossing film like Lovelace and Hysteria. Aside from that, they've been in a lot of television projects as well in series of movies.

Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard New Baby

Their daughter Ramona is turning five this year and probably, her fortune will now be divided with her sister just like of other celebrities sons and daughters. As a parent, Maggie experienced an ups and downs especially balancing her career with her responsibility as a mother. And somehow, everything falls based in their plans and they are both proud of their two lovely kids.

Furthermore, Maggie is not yet married during the time of her pregnancy with Ramona. And her confidence continue to grow to support the needs of her siblings. Their time in front of the camera as an actress and actor can also affect their way of parenting and some folks are now getting more curious about that as comments starts to flood in a celebrity gossip sites recently.

Join us as we continue to follow this story after of this break.
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Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Derrick Rose Suffered from Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury

The reigning MVP of Chicago Bulls is about to leave his team for awhile because of a series of injury that cause him a lot of trouble in the court. Derrick is now suffering from Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) which torn his performances and his body. Some fans as well followers of the team is now probably asking of what happened and why they need to let the man stop from playing while the off season of the game is getting more closer.

Derrick Rose Attempting to Stand Photo

Aside from ACL, Derrick also suffered from his pulled groin, back spasms, and turf toe injuries. A serious damage worsen by a series of game he shouldn't missed. But after winning the game with 76ers recently, the management decided to send him out before of anything else. That decision might turn down the favor of their fans but they are just showing their concern for a possible danger that happens to one of their lineup.

Derrick will now play in the next upcoming season of NBA and somehow, people are now talking about his latest injury that cause him to take a few weeks or even months of vacation. He will not be around in the rest of this season and his team is now preparing for another battle without their finest lineup. Furthermore, he's been with Bulls for 39-games and his outstanding performance can probably cripple their game plan before the finals.

Looking back in the recent game of Chicago, some of his photo shows his body pains, making a drive towards the ring that cause him a few more trouble in the later part. However, the match ended with a score of 103 - 91 in favor of his team.
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Tamara Favazza Won Her Case Against Girls Gone Wild

Tamara acclaimed that she is just a victim in the filming of Girls Gone Wild video which is now on DVDs. Her case was ruled in St. Louis to regain her reputation. At first, her unfavorable attempt has been denied by the court but she continue to voice out her side by the help of her legal counsel. They oppose from the first decision of the jury and overturn the entire thing. It is because, she stands for her right and that portion of the film was taken without her permission.

Tamara Favazza St. Louis Case Verdict

Mantra Films, Inc. as well MRA Holdings LLC are now requested to pay an about $5.7-million for the irreversible damage in reputation of Tamara. That video taken from a local St. Louis bar is a part of a DVD series way back in 2005 but in 2010, the court dropped her claim. And the maker of that clip is now facing a charges which can seriously put a new twist in their business, right?

Contractor of the Girls Gone Wild disrespect Tamara when she pulled down the shirt of the woman to expose the inner part of her body during the filming. It happens in Rum Jungle, a local bar somewhere in the riverfront of the city. While partying with her friends, someone just came-in to destroy her entire life in an instance. She is now a 26-year-old mother and her bad experience drive her to sue the company behind that video.

Her husband discover her appearances when one of his friend tell him about his wife. The verdict can bring a big fortune for Tamara but people who already know her appearances are now probably talking about her, right? We cannot deny that this issue is a serious matter she need to handle for her entire life.
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Tommy Marth of The Killers Passed Away

A legendary saxophonist of The Killers was discovered dead last Monday, April 23, 2012 in his house somewhere in Las Vegas, Nevada. According to report, he decided to cut his own life for unknown reason in most of us. His family and friends are probably aware of his problem but that's a private part of their lives. Tommy is not a permanent member of that above mentioned band but he's been with Brandon Flowers, Mark Stoermer, Dave Keuning, and Ronnie Vannucci, Jr. way back in their 2008 tours.

Tommy Marth on Stage with His Band

Furthermore, he is formerly working in Hard Rock Hotel as a marketing manager and we are currently waiting for any report coming from those closest folks around him. Aside from The Killers, he's been with Black Camaro and The Big Friendly Corporation bands. Some of his colleague in industry extends their tribute to Tommy showing their sympathy through their official websites.

His former closest rock band also gave their sympathy and calling him the missing "light." He will be remembered by the people who are willing to pursue his career. His contribution as a saxophonist in recordings is a great stuff to consider as one of their family member. At the age of 33, he passed on this world and continue his journey in afterlife.

Tommy Marth with The Killers Band

Memorial service announcements is not yet available but you can visit the official website of his former bands as well tweets from his friends for important details.
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Kaley Cuoco's Tweeted Photo from Her Anguilla Escapade

The renowned star of The Big Bang Theory tweeted her photo straight from Anguilla while in a boat trip and as part of her Caribbean holiday escapade. Her neon-painted body shows a beautiful curve that no one can resist just like of the wonderful ambiance at her background. That clip captured the attention of her followers and fans in Twitter as well the other social networking sites.

Kaley Cuoco and Jen Atkin Photo from Anguilla

Aside from that, Kaley's handful of pics is just available in her official Twitter account. That includes her happy moments with closest friends and family members. She was one of the most favorable woman in Hollywood nowadays and somehow, people will continue to adore her looks upon watching her every gigs with the funny geeks on CBS's comedy series.

Furthermore, this might be the first photo of Kaley showing her curves aside from what we can get from magazines and celebrity news sites. She officially share this for fun and for us to know of what is going on with her new life without her fiancee. That phenomenal pic includes her hair-stylist, Jen Atkin at the front deck of a boat.

And the beautiful background compete to the beauty of Kaley and her pal while making their pose. However, it is not clear if they are kneeling nor standing during that time. But is good to hear that she is now having a new way of life after her relationship turmoil.

She is now at her mid-20's and probably waiting for someone next to Josh Resnik, her former lover.
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Jumat, 20 April 2012

Thomas Beatie of The Doctors and Wife Divorce

Few weeks from now, you are about to catch the renowned and only man in the world who gave birth to a two sons, Thomas Beatie in the upcoming May 7th 2012 episode of The Doctors. Sad to say, he is now leaving his wife, Nancy for unknown reason. But of course, you are about to discover their turmoil in relationship the show kickoff. Way back in July of 2008, Thomas captured the attention of the country when he decided to undergone a surgical operation for his first child. However, that story is like a fictional stuff in fairy tales but everything is a breakthrough that no one can forget in the world of medicine.

Thomas Beatie of The Doctors

A man who giving birth to a normal child is like a bizarre happenings, right? But for Thomas, because of his attempt and to sacrifice his body for world record, probably, he is totally proud of what he tried. He is now on his late 30's and lately, according to report, he undergone his last medical operation, and that is to fully reassign his gender to what he use to be as a man.

Furthermore, he revealed his divorce with Nancy while in the set of The Doctors recently. That was a sad story that will probably surprise those folks who knows too much about his family. For nine-years, he is about to end his relationship with the woman who inspired him to do his unusual experience.
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Senin, 09 April 2012

Anne Graham Lotz Joins Rick Warren and Catholic Leaders Over the Contraception Policy

The administration of Pres. Obama is currently in a critical condition as church leaders showed out their innermost thoughts about the controversial contraception policy of the government. The daughter of renowned evangelist Billy Graham, Anne Graham Lotz, along with Rev. Rick Warren, and some of Catholic leaders in United States brought out their different perceptions and insights about the impact of this program.

Anne Graham Lotz Photo

Furthermore, the last Sunday, April 8, 2012 U.S.-based talk shows featured these most influential people in society. They can attract thousands or even million of Americans to oppose the government plan to revise the contraception policy by letting the insurance company to take charge of everything needed by his people instead of their respective employers.

Saddleback Church Rick Warren

And because of that, the birth control contraceptives will be provided by insurance firms. However, the Catholic church opposes everything since the start of the issue. They would like to ask the attention of everyone participate and open their curiosity about the new health care provision. But because of that, other religion already made a few steps behind and probably, because it is already close to some political agenda.

Anne Graham Lotz and Rick Warren surprised the national viewers. Some of us are not actually aware of their participation which is not common to any protestants to extend their hands with Catholic church leaders, right?
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Bubba Watson Won the 2012 Masters Tournament

Bubba Watson made his goal to worn a green jacket in the end of 2012 Masters golf tournament in Augusta. He defeated the South African, Louis Oosthuizen who's been nailed in the second hole by a double-eagle shot of the 33-year-old as well a left-hander American. It is his first ever win and this year's game brought him a lot of fortunes especially when he able to make a good shot in a sophisticated situation.

2012 Masters Champion Bubba Watson

He received his green jacket with a teary eyes as well when he embrace his lovely wife, Angie Watson along with his mother Mollie who ended with a joyful celebration with his family. A lot of surprising moments happened in the recent Masters tournament. From amateur level to professional category, people continue to follow the footsteps of their favorite players on the line.

Bubba earned his prestigious award with humility and face his contenders with a big smile. Tiger Woods, a former champion and famous personality in sports extends his warm greetings to the newly hailed winner. In records, the closest winning tournament of Bubba is going back to 2010 US PGA Championship play-off. He faced Martin Kaymer and now, he's back to lead the other former outstanding players.

Right now, he is the world's 16th finest player and the recent competition brought him a great appraises from sports enthusiasts. For other important details, visit the official website of the game in www.masters.com and you can catch the replay of the last Sunday, April 8, 2012 final match in ESPN.
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Minggu, 08 April 2012

Former NFL Star Warren Sapp Filed for Bankruptcy

Former Tampa Bay Buccaneers defensive and Oakland Raiders player, Warren Sapp filed for bankruptcy in Southern Florida last March 30, 2012. According to report, his owes from creditors suddenly increase for unknown reason and he need to do something to save him from his alimony as well in child supports. His reported assets shows a big difference compared to his active loans.

Oakland Raiders Warren Sapp Photo

Furthermore, Warren lost the most prestigious thing on his life he earned from his career in NFL and NCAA years. That's a Super Bowl 2012 ring along with his University of Miami's souvenir earned in early 90's national championship. However, his reported family income shows an outstanding amount to pay his bills as well loans but that is not enough for about $6.7-million balance in his creditors.

His NFL Network's contract ends last August of 2011 and currently hoping for a renewal. He's been in "Dancing with the Stars" before but most of his remarkable accounts came from his 13-year of career in football. He was acquitted from his 2010 domestic violence case that captured the attention of sports analysts during that time.

For now, we are waiting for further report coming from his camp to confirm the other important details we shouldn't missed aside from television news about Warren.
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Jake Owen Proposing to Lacey Buchanan Captured in Video

The last Saturday, April 7, 2012 performance of Jake Owen on his hometown in Vero Beach, Florida is one of the most remarkable time of his life and for his fiancee, Lacey Buchanan. The country music star proposed in front of the audience giving everyone a very romantic experience. The woman accepted his proposal with a big and great smile on her face who's been surprised by the few words of a lifetime.

Jake Owen Proposing to Lacey Buchanan Photo

However, if you missed to catch that romantic evening, here's a video of Jake and Lacey posted by kliotta12 in YouTube:

Jack had been on his ups and downs in relationship but now, the man is now ready to tie a knot for someone who is willing to share her entire life with him.

Lacey Buchanan and Jake Owen

Furthermore, the engagement of Jake is not a formal one but a spectacular moment for both of them. His songs will remains not only in the hearts of the audience but also in minds of those folks who are following his relationship with Lacey.

We are looking forward to a successful marriage ahead of them and before we can forget, we would like to extend our greetings to a bountiful couple. The music industry is giving them a chance to express their innermost feelings through a series of events and gigs around the country.

Lacey Buchanan Photo

As we can remember, one of Jake's famous single, "Alone With You" tells the story of her pasts lives. And now, he continue to pursue his career in the right track along with Lacey.
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Happy 182nd Birthday Eadweard J. Muybridge!

Google changed their official logo recently to honor the 182nd birthday of the legendary Eadweard J. Muybridge. The contribution of this man in zoopraxiscope way back on his time is written in his own book, "The Kingston Museum Bequest." At these point of time, there are only seventy-one surviving discs coming from his work. This device inspired Thomas Edison as well the Kinetoscope of William Kennedy Dickson.

Eadweard J. Muybridge Photo

Going back to Eadweard, he was born in Europe as Edward James Muggeridge. And because of a several unknown situation for most of us, he migrated to United States and changes his name for how many times. He was known in his spectacular photography which includes his shots from the country's famous Yosemite National Park.

Famous Animated Galloping Horse of Eadweard J. Muybridge

The different culture affect his name and even a Spanish colony in the U.S. drove him to change it to Eduardo Santiago. Historians following his written articles aside from his book knows better than Wikipedia or any reliable sources on the line. You can refer to temporary and conventional historical sites but it is good to discover his personality by visiting the nearest museum where you can find his contribution in arts.

Photographs of Eadweard taken from Yosemite as well in San Francisco, California helped him to put up his own career. He even started building a studio aside from relying on his job as publisher way back in 1855. His experience in photography with a shortcomings of technology during that years challenge him to do more for less.

On the other side, Eadweard killed Major Harry Larkyns when he discover the their intimate relationship with his wife. That incident affects his career and he flee somewhere in Central America after his trial. However, he was acquit on the murder case but situation gets worsts for his family were he need to start from the very beginning or from the scratch.

And before we can forget, Eadweard was born way back in April 9, 1830 but the cause of his death was still unknown for the many.
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Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes Passed Away at 93

The renowned host of CBS's 60 Minutes passed away last Saturday, April 7, 2012 in New Haven, Connecticut surrounded by his surviving family members. Face the Nation host, Bob Scheiffer recent announced the sudden death of the legendary man in the industry. His former employer also confirmed the sad news of their veteran reporter at the age of 93.

Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes Photo

Furthermore, Mike leaved his post in 60 Minutes way back in 2006 from the past 38-year of service. His contribution and legacy on TV can be remembered by those people who knows too much about him as well his followers. According to our source, he had been in a tough situation because of his declining health from the past few years.

The cause of his death was still unknown but you can try to look around for other important details aside from this few words of ours. Mike is an award winning anchorman. In his entire life, he earned a twenty-one Emmy, five DuPont-columbia as well a Peabody in the field of journalism. His commitment on his career as a veteran journalist brought him a numerous fortune.

His last interview with Roger Clemens, a retired MLB's player had been aired going back in 2008. And two of his famous interview includes the appearances of Barbara Streisand (1991) and Louis Farrakhan (2005) on his show.

Schedule of memorial service of Mike is not yet available but try to check some more soon as we continue to follow the other important details as well updates from his death after of this break.
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Xherdan Shaqiri's Successful Bicycle Kick Video

Xherdan Shaqiri recently signed to play for Bayern Munich next to his impressive scissor kick that really captured the hearts of the audience. His performance as a member of FC Basel's soccer squad brought him a brilliant fortune and earned the attention of international team. He decided to join his new team for 10-million euros deal and that is because of his spectacular bicycle kick during the Champions League game of the recent season.

Xherdan Shaqiri of Bayern Munich Photo

Bayern gave him a chance to be recognized among the other players and his professional record can probably tease anyone in the industry to hire this man with no doubt. He gave us the most impressive goal attempts with a remarkable and admiring moves. His time in Swiss Super League inspired the big names to turn their heads on him.

Here's a video of Xherdan that made him a celebrity of his time in European football match:

His new team is now probably celebrating his upcoming presence and looking forward to a more successful matches in the future with Xherdan. At the age of 20, he is possibly the youngest player to accept a spectacular contract in the history of soccer.
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LeBron James vs Kevin Durant as NBA's 2012 MVP

Everyone who able to step on the court in NBA can be a "Most Valuable Player" or in short, "MVP", right? But talking about the last Wednesday, April 4, 2012 match between the Oklahoma City Thunder and Miami Heat remind us to follow the game of their two star players, that is no other than Kevin Durant and the controversial LeBron James. In the total score of 98 - 93, the south-beach man earned a maximum of 34-point while the other one ended with 30.

We cannot deny that both of them shared a common potential but sometimes, the strategy of the entire team can bring a much better standings to a single player, right? Somehow, LeBron is more faster compared to Kevin in the court as shown in their pasts different games. However, other fans and followers of the two basketball warriors continue to tease the management of NBA for who will be the right person to garner the most prestigious award.

Playoff is quite far from these days and we can only say something for our choice as we continue to follow their performances. You can visit the official website of NBA for the standing of your favorite team and player to place your own bet. Try to read the other facts and important details to criticize aside from knowing our own perceptions in this season of the game.
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Dead Snakehead for $200 Gift Cards in Maryland

Department of Natural Resources Inland Fisheries in Maryland consider Snakehead Fish as a devastating species and they even called it, "Fish from Hell." And according to Don Cosden, the ongoing director of the said local government agency, they don't want this species in their body of waters referring to lakes and ponds as well in streams. It is because it is more invasive one compared to other breeds.

Dead Snakehead for $200 Gift Cards in Maryland

Furthermore, Don also noted that they would like to remind anyone around the country to eliminate this species before it can reach their entire body of water. Snakehead was originally live in South East Asian countries as well in South Africa. In a matter of face, we called it "Dalag" here in Philippines. It is pretty devastating because it can actually live in a matter of days far from its original habitat.

Going back to Maryland, Bass Pro Shops offered a $200.00 worth of gift cards for anyone who can catch and kill a Snakehead fish as their reward. Anglers around the area are now probably having a great time and fun with this as their hobby.

In addition to this, Snakehead fish can be turn into a delicious dinner for your family and friends. You can look for a few recipe that can help you to cook and how to prepare the said menu in the right place. We are looking forward for your success to get earn your gift cards and enjoy!
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Sofia Vergara Hosted the NBC's Saturday Night Live

The Modern Family star, Sofia Vergara hosted the last Saturday, April 7, 2012 episode of SNL. And guess what, for the first time in history of the show, some television enthusiasts noted that she is capable of doing a hosting job aside from a regular television series role. As we can remember, she is confident enough because probably of her potential other than playing a special character in any soap, right?

Sofia Vergara in Saturday Night Live

Her performance remind us of another woman from her punchlines and able to capture the attention of the national viewers. Some folks in Twitter as well in Facebook is now talking about her as we try to look around recently. We found out that Sofia can really turn the heads of anyone who are following the show and for those who are not aware of her latest gig, you can visit the official website of NBC for replay announcements and other details.

Forget Gloria of Modern Family for awhile and discover the potential of Sofia as a host in one of country's respectable show. The late night program of NBC inspired us to keep on following her appearances because we would like to see her again just like of what she used to experience her performance in Saturday Night Live.
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Sabtu, 07 April 2012

Ejection of Andrew Bynum Lapses the Lakers Defense

The ejection of Los Angeles Lakers center Andrew Bynum leads to a disaster for his team and loss their game with Houston Rockets last Friday, April 6, 2012. The match ended leaving a big mark and lesson both for the two basketball squad. Speculations coming from sports analysts and enthusiasts are pointing to the twists made by one of Lakers' star player. But no matter of what will going to happen, the score shows a very close match between the big and notable teams in NBA.

Andrew Bynum and Referee Nick Buckert Photo

Referee Nick Buckert make a stand for his decision and giving Andrew a lesson that can collapse the defensive strategy of Lakers way back at the Staple Center last Friday evening. It's not a home court advantage but the rule of the game must be recognize by any player upon stepping the floor. However, the man pleaded in front of him for the first time but things gets rough because of some complicated situation.

On the other side, Dwight Howard has been threatened by Orlando Magic and can possibly traded to L.A. Lakers. It is because probably of his dispute against Stan Van Gundy, his own coach. Other than that, we do not hear his decision instead, Dwight showed out his respect on the top of different speculations and issue.

And before we can forget, visit the official website of NBA for Lakers and Rockets game schedule. These teams will probably meet again for a rematch as this season continue.
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NHL Fined Coach John Tortorella from His Statements

The head coach of Rangers, John Tortorella has been fined by NHL of $20-thousand due to his gesture and intense statements in the post-game between of his team and the Penguins. Sports analysts captured that behavior and somehow, he received a lot of criticisms as well response from those people who are also concerned of the scenario. Because of the game misconduct, he is now facing a disciplinary action from the management of the league.

Coach John Tortorella of New York Rangers

Furthermore, the hockey game that took place last Thursday, April 5, 2012 remind us of the right attitude needed by a coach. Not only in this game but for any situation that can risk our career, right? And because probably of his anger, John lose his temper which also lead to a much disastrous happenings. His statement is quite far from what we expect from his personality but now, it is clear for us that a person can really change in the midst of an unwanted happenings.

And guess what, John was captured yelling during the collision of his own team's Derek Stepan and Brooks Orpik of Penguins. He cannot deny those negative gesture because videos and photos taken during the game cannot be kept by anyone else for public viewing.

The hockey game is also governed by specific rules and sad to say, as a coach, he really need to promote the good harmony of the sports as well sportsmanship among the players, right?
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Did Mirlande Wilson Really Misplaced Her Lottery Ticket?

Mirlande Wilson told the Washington based WRC-TV last Thursday, April 5, 2012 that she misplaced her Mega Millions lottery ticket. She is one of the three winner who claimed to win the shining $656-million stake in Maryland. According to report, she previously said that he used to hid the said ticket somewhere in a McDonald branch where she is currently working.

Mirlande Wilson Photo

That winning ticket is probably came from the nearby Millford outlet of 7-Eleven store. Furthermore, people are now talking about Mirlande and the truth is just hiding behind her conscience if she really won or not. And what is wrong about her moves? She immediately publicize herself through a television interview without knowing where she hid that luck piece of paper.

But for us, everything remains a mystery and we are looking forward to a more clearer report coming from those people who are working behind the success of the winners.

However, nobody knows if she is lying or not and the lottery management in Kansas are now calling the attention of all the possible winner for a news conference as well to bring everything in public. And who are those lucky folks who turned their life to an instant millionaire? The answer for this question is up as we bring the latest updates related to this report.
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Coach Isiah Thomas Was Fired by FIU

Florida International University (FIU) might have the right choice to get Isiah Thomas as one of their aspiring coach because of his standing. He is one of the few player who is awarded with Basketball Hall of Fame during his time (with Chicago Bulls) and now, the prestigious school found a reason to fired him last Friday, April 6, 2012. According to Pete Garcia, the ongoing school athletic director, they are firing Isiah because of his performance as the head coach of their team and they would like to bring their program to a different direction.

Fired FIU Coach Isiah Thomas

Isiah put FIU Panther in 26 - 65 standing from the past three seasons of service. Mr. Garcia is probably keeping his eyes in what is going on with their team during that whole term of their coach. There are some reason which is not clear for some of us but those folks knows too much in handling the entire squad. Furthermore, the team honored him in behalf of his contribution and for some of their success.

The good standing of Panther has been ruin by his probably, poor management of the team. However, the statement of Mr. Garcia is a clear evidence that they are looking forward to productive person who can lead their basketball players to a good standing. They can compete but will often lose the fortune.

The school is now hiring a new coach and you can visit their official website for additional details.
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Jamie Lee Curtis Return as Dr. Samantha Ryan in NCIS

Special Agent Gibbs (played by Mark Harmon) is now probably keeping his eyes to the newest woman on his department. Jamie Lee Custis is back as Dr. Samantha Ryan for the third time around on CBS's blockbuster NCIS series as a guest star. According to report, in a short period of her stay, she might captured the heart of the agent as they work together in a complicated case needing her expertise.

Jamie Lee Curtis as Dr. Samantha Ryan in NCIS

Jamie consider her role as a challenging profession and she found a lot of fun with those other people on the show. In regards with her fictional relationship with Gibbs, here's a few words from her recent interview on TV:
Gibbs is one of the most interesting male characters on TV. What I love, is that every woman I know is holding out hope, particularly single women and even some married that if they wait long enough, Gibbs will wait for them.
Her point is that, in real life, she is a happily married woman with two kids. She's been married to Christopher Guest, her fellow writer and actor at the same time. And she is not looking for something which is actually far from what we expect of her role as Dr. Ryan.

Furthermore, Jamie is also a writer and produces her own books telling her inner motive as well experiences in life. She also a best-selling author and slightly extremist woman. And to know more about her special participation in NCIS, catch her soon as she return for another gig on television.
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Nicole Kidman as Princess Grace of Monaco

Nicole Kidman is already tested and proven star, an award-winning actress who can change her look for a certain role in big screens. According to a recent reports coming from Hollywood, she was chosen to play as Grace Kelly in Grace of Monaco upcoming film for a princess-like personality going back in early 60's. The movie was depicted from a true-to-life story of this woman who found herself in the middle of disputes between her city and France.

Nicole Kidman as Grace Kelly in Grace of Monaco

Nicole Kidman

List of other casts and characters that will be joining Grace of Monaco is not yet available although the film has been launched recently under the production of Stone Angel from the writings of Arash Amel. Nicole will play a big role on this film along with other renowned star in the industry. People working behind the film are now probably talking about her but her participation is not yet official.

Princess Grace of Monaco Photo

Princess Grace of Monaco

Furthermore, if you will going to compare the above photo of Princess Grace of Monaco and Nicole Kidman, you can find a great similarities.

For almost 2-years, we never heard her name in any movie projects in Hollywood. But now, this might be the right time for her to go back from where she use to work before. Stay tune as we continue to follow the other gig of Nicole after of this break.
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Thomas Kinkade Passed Away at 54

Thomas Kinkade passed away last Friday, April 6, 2012 in a natural cause at the age of 54. He was found dead in his home at Los Gatos in San Francisco Bay Area. And for those who do not know him, he is one of the country's brilliant painter of cottages, churches, and idyllic landscapes. This man is also known as the biggest dealer of this work of art originally made from his own perceptions.

Thomas Kinkade Photo

San Jose Mercury News way back in 2002 noted his few words towards his work. Here's a statement of Thomas defining himself as "A Warrior of Light."
With whatever talent and resources I have, I'm trying to bring light to penetrate the darkness many people feel.
The goal of this man is to open our curiosity in a right path and help us to understand some of the hidden treasure in our inner selves, right? See the following photo below from one of his work:

Famous Painting of Thomas Kinkade

His work depicts a medieval way of life specializing in a right combination of light and bright colors. A very complicated and technical skills which can only be made by a true artist like Leonardo Da Vinci during his time. Most of his painting brought him a lot of fortune in life and his contribution will remains in the hearts and minds of those people who knows too much about him.

There is no words for memorial services schedule for Thomas right now but his surviving family is now probably for it.
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