Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

Costa Concordia Chaotic Tragedy in Mediterranean Sea

The history of Titanic is quite close on what happened to Costa Concordia last Friday, January 13, 2012. For about 4-thousands passengers and crews, 40 has been reportedly missing according to the latest updates from the crash site of the cruise ship. It is currently close to the island of Tuscan somewhere in Giglio and has been probably carried by current to the nearby shoreline.

Costa Concordia Chaotic Tragedy in Mediterranean Sea

Investigation about the cause of accident was still ongoing and nobody can pinpoint reason of the mishap. The company has been flood by questions and followup calls from the family and relatives of those people onboard when the tragedy strikes on the middle of the night. Recently, a Korean couple gave a detailed statements about their struggle to survive the danger.

Helicopters came to rescue the surviving passengers as well tag and speed boats from the nearby island. However, search and rescue operation is now followed by news reporters for any possible sign of positive progress.

For more, here's the complete number of citizens onboard noted by Costa Cruises, the owner of Concordia vessel:
  • Italians - 1,000
  • Germans - 500
  • French - 160
  • Crew Members - 1,000
And according to U.S. state department report, there are about 120 of their citizens was also onboard during the deadly and unanticipated accident on that Friday evening.

Environmentalist are now probably keeping an eye to the possible destructive forces as the consequence of this tragedy. No report of oil spills or bad chemicals has been given.

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