Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

Molly Wei and Dharun Ravi Case Updates is Up!

After of Tyler Clementi's death, the two has been arrested to face a certain case that drive the young Rutgers University student to jump off the George Washington Bridge this week. The cyber bullying that expose his privacy made by Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei reached to a much serious offense, how they missed to respect the man's life and just thinking of their fun.

Molly Wei and Dharun Ravi Arrest Report

That was a big surprised for anyone who knows too much of Tyler Clementi, his talent as a good violinist, friends, and family circle which are now facing the grief of social networking bad side. The two has been arrested but this will not help to return the life of the 18-years old man who is not aware of what will going to happened that day.

Check the latest updates for Molly and Dharun soon as we cover those headlines from the top news source on the web in regards with Rutgers University student suicide reports.

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