Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

UFO Spotted in Chinese Airport Updates

A Chinese airport becomes a centerfold of this story few months ago as air controller allegedly spotted a hovering UFO which cause few flights to be re-routed and delays. At these moment, the issue has been refreshed because the government denied what those people trying to point out recently, a military exercise which create a clear bright light on the top of Xiaoshan Airport. That phenomenal story came across the Internet like a common viral issue that awaken the curiosity of worldwide news followers.

UFO Over the Chinese Airport Photo

New photos taken by the nearby airport residents surfaces on the web, a strong evidence from what happened during that day. The unidentified flying objects was still unknown but the white light coming off the craft is quite difficult to explain by scientists and other space observers. Although everything is just a speculation, nobody can confirm that it is really a UFO or just a bright light coming out from the huge cloud opening in the sky.

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